Green Tea CHOYA Martini


Much like all things edible, I don’t think I have ever met a drink I didn’t like. A woody Chardonnay, Guinness, Scotch on the rocks, Sake. You could literally buy me anything at a bar and I would drink it, and I would enjoy it.

So, when I was invited to celebrate 100 years of CHOYA, I knew that even though I hadn’t had the pleasure of tasting CHOYA, it was highly likely that it was going to become my new favourite tipple. And, as always, I was right!

CHOYA is Umeshu, a traditional Japanese liqueur made from ume fruit. Commonly mistaken, the ume fruit is not a plum, although it is from the same group. The unique flavour of CHOYA is achieved by aging the whole ume fruit, with the stone still inside, with the addition of alcohol. It is this process which gives CHOYA Umeshu its unique fruity bouquet, with notes of almond and marzipan.

To celebrate the 100 year anniversary I was invited to Birds Nest Restaurant in West End (which by the way, is one of my new favourite places to eat) for CHOYA cocktails and canapés. The team at Birds Nest came up with some fabulous cocktail combos for the classic CHOYA and I enjoyed them so much, I was inspired to create my own.



Green Tea CHOYA Martini
Makes 2 martinis
  • 4 shots of CHOYA Classic
  • 2 shots of dry Vermouth
  • 2 shots of brewed and chilled green tea
  • Ice
  1. Place all ingredients in a cocktail shaker with a few ice cubes. Shake until the shaker is cold and frosted. Pour into a chilled Martini glass.


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